I myself would like to know more about the plug-in they discuss. I noticed that there is nothing in the McAfee set up so I am assuming that they would need to be downloaded.
A lot of us here at this site use IM to keep in touch with each other so this could be a really big concern.

Rest of the info on this is located here.

on Jun 29, 2004
Viruses Viruses Viruses, is it ever going to end.
on Jun 29, 2004
Try the new Zone Alarm 5
on Jun 29, 2004
I would be so happy if they made a Linux user friendly os that works with windows applications that is hard to make viruses for.
my parents and my friends computer have like 10 viruses on them. If you cant stay up to date its hell.
on Jun 29, 2004
I don't understand why people make viruses. These people that accidentaly come across one and decide to email it to people need to be more careful, and the people that create them on purpose need to get off the computer and go do something. These people suck and should be banished forever from existence. I wish I could move bad people to a different place just by thinking it. I would put them in an alternate dimension with no computers or electronics.
on Jun 29, 2004
The author of this article sounds just like Chicken Little. He's telling us the sky is gonna fall down but gives us no solutions to help the problem. It would have been very easy for him to suggest users use up-to-date AntiVirus software and/or a good hardware/software firewall.

"Look..the sky is blue"

on Jun 29, 2004
"I would be so happy if they made a Linux user friendly os that works with windows applications that is hard to make viruses for."


oh and gaim and kopete are very good replacements. open office can open all microsoft files just fine. plus firefox and mozillia are good replacements too.
on Jun 30, 2004
DO they have photoshop , illustrator etc for linux?
I have tried to find the download for the bootable version of linux on thescreensavers, dont know which one to download, confusing but I wana learn.
on Jun 30, 2004
Find the download section of the distro you want to download and download the .iso file. Then rip it to a floppy, and boot with it.
on Jun 30, 2004
"Find the download section of the distro you want to download and download the .iso file. Then rip it to a floppy, and boot with it."

heh i hope you mean cdrom.
on Jul 02, 2004
distro is then new redhat thing?
Any links would be usefull